Video Game Review: Total War Shogun 2

Total War Shogun 2 is a PC Real Time Strategy game that was released on PC on 15th March 2011. It has received amazing reviews and earned itself a BAFTA in the Category for Games Award for Strategy.

I want to mention here that the developers have made Shogun 2 free for a limited time to aid the campaign to stay at home during these difficult times. You can get the free copy from Monday 27th April 2020. This game is a great opportunity if you are new to RTS genre to sink your teeth into it for no cost! For more details on this deal please visit HERE

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Introducing myself and my personal Top 10!

A little about me…

Hello! I am more well known in the gaming world as Fire Frenzy, but – more normally as Tom! Fae has been kind enough to accept me into her team of writers and so I thought for a while what to review first. The various ways in which one can review something as often reviews can vary based on the player’s expectations and preferences.

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Video Game Review: Transistor

Oh I really enjoyed Transistor. I finished the regular and NG+ play-throughs of the game across a span of about 3-4 days. One could probably rush through the story in as little as 3 hours, or take time unlocking all the lore, doing the side challenges for extra xp and game knowledge, listening to the catchy music, and stopping to smell all the roses along the way and end up taking easily triple or quadruple that.

The game and combat mechanics are pretty fun, with a number of subroutines that you unlock or add to your Transistor weapon as you level up. You form actual skills with those subroutines, using a combination of active slots, support slots (that you slot subroutines into to improve active slots), and four passive slots (buffs to improve your character as a whole). Each subroutine does a different, but thematically similar, thing depending on whether it’s currently in an active, passive, or support slot.

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