About PinkFae Archives

This is the archives for PinkFae Gaming when it was pinkfae.com. The posts are from November 2014 through February 2017. The articles are from the Wayback Machine.

Interview with Emily Whitehouse of On the Lamb Games

One of the things I was most looking forward to at Gen Con was getting to meet Emily Whitehouse. She’s one of the co-founders of On the Lamb Games, a small company which is probably best known for their miniatures game Endless: Fantasy Tactics. I went by the On the Lamb Games booth and was delighted to meet Emily, whom I had until that point known as Emily Fontana. I would later learn that she had been married in June, so it’s Emily Whitehouse now!

But we were able to find some time to conduct an interview. Now I will share with you, my faithful readers, the wisdom that she has imparted unto me.

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Gen Con: An Overview of an Awesome Convention

As most of you know, I was able to attend Gen Con last week. It was my first time ever to attend a convention (apart from the small local one that doesn’t really count). I had no idea what to expect from conventions in general, nor from Gen Con in particular. Needless to say, I had ridiculous amounts of fun. I got to play lots of games, see lots of panels, learn lots of things, and of course, buy lots of games. I have a lot of ideas for articles about my time at Gen Con, so look for those in upcoming weeks. Just a small sample of some of the entries I’ll be writing include:

  • An interview with Emily Whitehouse of On the Lamb Games
  • An article about crossplay and genderbending
  • Reviews of some new release games that debuted at the con
  • A discussion of Zombie Orpheus Entertainment

And more! So this space is going to be pretty busy over the next couple of months. Be sure to check back weekly to see if I’ve managed to get something new up.
But in the meantime, I thought I’d start out with an overview of the convention itself. This is going to take the form of two sections: a description of the convention in general, and a guide to what to expect for people who’ve never been to a con.

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PinkFae Gaming at Gen Con 2016

J & Katie at Gen Con Indy 2016

J and myself were at Gen Con Indy for all four days. It was my second time at the convention while it was J’s first time. We were both there for the first time representing PinkFae Gaming in order to bring you coverage of seminars, reviews of games and possibly even an interview or two!

Since there was so much going on and it was just the two of us, we didn’t do any live blogging at all. Instead, we took some notes and brought them back home with us. Over the course of the next few weeks look for articles based on what we learned and experienced.

How to GM Part 3: Designing Your Campaign (2nd of 2)

Last week, we began looking at the essentials of designing your campaign. It was a big topic, so I had to split it into two sections. Today’s entry will finish what we started, as we look at the remaining three basic campaign arrangements. In case you’ve forgotten, last week we discussed the ‘Episodic’ and ‘Set-Piece’ design systems. Today, we will cover ‘Branching,’ ‘Puzzle Piece,’ and ‘Enemy Timeline.’

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