As consoles now are region-free, many gamers have taken an interest into importing games. There are many reasons as to why someone would import a game and most reasons are personal interest. With how common the internet is now in comparison to the past, importing games have never been easier. And with the amount of available importing sites, it is easy for anyone to add games from other regions to the collection.
Category Archives: gaming experiences
Roguelikes and Why You Should Love Them Like I Do
Today let’s talk about roguelikes. Two that I’ve recently enjoyed are Streets of Rogue and MidBoss. The former is actually a Rogue-Lite, while the latter is more akin to a “pure” Roguelike. So what is a Roguelike, actually? According to RogueBasin, a wiki centered around developing Roguelike games, a Roguelike is defined as:
A Roguelike is usually described as a free turn-based computer game with a strong focus on intricate gameplay and replayability, and an abstract world representation using ASCII-based display, as opposed to 3D graphics. Of course, as with any genre, there are deviations from the norm.
Roguelikes allow the player an indefinite amount of time in which to make a move, making gameplay comparable more to chess than to reflex-based games like first-person shooters. Since graphics are limited (if not completely shunned), the player’s imagination must come into play – gameplay is more like reading a book than watching a movie.
The State of Minecraft: A Brief Review of The Nether Update
If you haven’t played Minecraft or heard about where it’s at in a long time, let me catch you up. Let’s start with a look at how the game has performed and evolved up to this point and then we’ll get into the most recent updates that have been highly anticipated and acclaimed by people looking for a beefy addition to the vanilla game.
My Time At GameStop
Many gamers in the early 2000s have some memories of going inside of GameStop. Whether to purchase a few games or to trade in some old games, GameStop holds many fond memories for people. From 2017 to 2019, working at GameStop has been an interesting experience. GameStop seemed like a good place to work due to flexible hours on top of my schoolwork. While it was fun during my first few months there, many problems came up making that job intolerable.
The PlayStation Vita in 2020

Screenshot captured on PlayStation TV
The PS Vita first released back in 2011 as the successor to the PlayStation Portable. Following the PlayStation Portable’s success, Sony aimed to create a handheld that brought console quality games on the go. With games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Killzone: Mercenary near launch, Sony managed to hold up to that promise for the first years. Despite being a powerful piece of hardware, the Vita still comes down as one of Sony’s biggest failures. While Sony dropped support early, there is still a dedicated fanbase that continue to play the Vita even in 2020.