About PinkFae Archives

This is the archives for PinkFae Gaming when it was pinkfae.com. The posts are from November 2014 through February 2017. The articles are from the Wayback Machine.

How to GM Part 3: Designing Your Campaign (1st of 2)

Things are looking up for you; now you’ve chosen a game and have a group of players willing to play it. What do you do next? The first step, obviously, is to design the overall campaign. This sounds like a daunting task, so let’s look at some advice and tips on how to do that in the most effective manner possible.

Please note that this section is going to cover a lot of material. I don’t want to overwhelm you, though, so I’m going to break it up into two parts. We’ll do part A today, and I’ll finish with part B next week.

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How to GM Part 2: Finding Players

So you’ve found a game that you want to GM. You’ve looked at the systems, examined the genres, and decided which one was best for you. Now you have to complicate matters by adding extra people to the mix. You need to find some players to play in your game.

Today’s entry will be an examination of the things to consider when selecting players. We’ll look at fitting players to your game, fitting players to each other, choosing a group size, fitting players to you as GM, and (some might argue, most importantly) fitting everyone’s schedule together.

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Divisive Behaviour in the Gaming Community

I was thinking about the way that people exclude one another. Once upon a time, humans lived in a society in which inclusion was essential. Before the advent of agriculture, humans did not tolerate behaviour that benefited an individual over the tribe. After we started farming, though, ownership became important, and it changed everything. Now we live in a society that stresses individual good over group cohesion. The divisive nature of modern society has a far reaching impact; it even affects the gaming community. Today, I would like to discuss the nature of that division.

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Board Game Review: Between Two Cities

We have come to the time in which I review yet another board game. This time around, we will look at a very enjoyable game called Between Two Cities. This city-building game has elements of both co-operative and competitive games, using a hand turning mechanism like 7 Wonders or Sushi Go. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves… we’ll look at the numbers first, and go from there.

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GMing (part 1): Selecting a Game

I’m going to do something a little different. Today’s post will be the first in a series, which will run until I’m done. How many posts will there be in this series? I don’t know. I’m making this up as I go. ? But this series of posts will be an analysis of GMing. How to do it, how to get players, how to prepare, how to be good at it… that’s what we will look at in this series. The series won’t be consecutive; I’ll intersperse it with my other articles. But for today, we’ll start with How to Choose a Game System.

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