About PinkFae Archives

This is the archives for PinkFae Gaming when it was pinkfae.com. The posts are from November 2014 through February 2017. The articles are from the Wayback Machine.

PinkFae MTG League: 2016 Female Standard Tournament

We are very pleased to announce the first tournament for the PinkFae Magic: The Gathering League. The tournament will be a non-sanctioned female standard tournament. The top eight finalists will compete for a portion of the $500 prize pool. The entry fee for participating is $15. There are only 40 spots available and spots will be filled on a first come first served basis.


Players will play a six round Swiss-style tournament. The top eight will advance to a single-elimination tournament. All decks will be a constructed standard deck. Your deck construction will need to be registered during check-in. Registration sheets can be found online and will also be available on-site.

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Interview: Twitch Streamer DistractedElf

I was given the opportunity to interview Twitch streamer and YouTuber DistractedElf. She is best known for streaming X-COM on Twitch. She started off on YouTube where she posts role-playing campaigns she GMs.

Katie Walter: How did you come up with the name DistractedElf as your Twitch username?

DistractedElf: Well, initially when I started my channel I wanted some kind of gimmick. So it was a costume thing! I do a lot of LARP so I had the elf ears. Not to mention it was a username that I hadn’t heard before, so I hoped it’d be unique.

KW: Do you ever share any of your LARP games on Twitch?

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Board Game Review: Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar

A thing I like to do on occasion is review board games (and, technically, card games too). I’ve done many over at my main blog, and I think it will be fun to do it on occasion here as well. So if you’re interested in learning about some of the many high-quality (and, let’s be honest, not-so-high-quality) games out there, keep your eyes on this space and we’ll see how many we can cover! We’ll start with a game I learned to play last week: Tzolkin: the Mayan Calendar (which is technically spelled Tzolk’in, but I’m going to make things easier on myself and leave out the apostrophe).

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Reasons Why We Play Games

Why do we play games? Sure, we all have our reasons. For some, it’s about spending time with people they love. Other people see it as an exercise in creativity, or practising various mental skills (or, let’s be honest, physical skills; not all games are played around a table or in front of a television set).

For me, there are many reasons: some games are enjoyable because they indulge a particular love I have (dare I say, a fetish?), such as the original Balderdash, which caters to my lexophilia. Other games force me to think, and I love to give my brain some exercise on occasion; Dominant Species and Clans are two excellent examples of these types of games. Some games are fun for me because they facilitate social interaction that I otherwise find difficult to attain (The Resistance: Avalon falls in this category). Others appeal to my love of a certain fandom, such as Star Trek: Road Trip or Firefly: The Game). As a Storyteller, I also tend to be drawn to games that facilitate the telling of stories (thus my love of tabletop roleplaying games like Changeling: the Dreaming, as well as Fiasco and Gloom)

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Lawsian Gamer Types

Robin Laws, an experienced author of roleplaying books, has written an invaluable tool for GMs. It’s invaluable for all gamers, although it was targeted at the GM. In it, he includes a great deal of advice on how to make your games as enjoyable as possible for all participants. It’s not the stuff you’d normally find in the ‘For the Game Master’ section of the core rulebook or supplements like the Dungeons Master’s Guide. It’s more fundamental information, such as campaign design (are you running a dungeon crawl, a set-piece story, a branching story, an episodic story, etc?), suggestions on how to be spontaneous (have a list of appropriate names for when you need to ad-lib an NPC, have a box of index cards with stats for random NPCs that the players may encounter, etc), how to deal with different player types (what emotional kick is each player looking to get from the game, and how can you deliver it to them?).

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