If you’re a Queer person reading this, chances are you have been “in the closet” by some measure, though that reductive narrative is limiting. A majority of us express how our time before we discover our true selves is spent feeling trapped playing a role we want desperately to escape. It becomes a prison sentence of isolation as we dissociate from some performative mask that we feel obligated to wear,, often overcompensating, for the identities we keep hidden.
Author Archives: BaileyQG
Best Games for Staying Sane in this Pandemic Quarantine
(As picked by yours truly, of course!)
The global crisis we’re facing due to COVID-19 the past several months has been a true test for even the most extreme introverts. For extroverts, its been absolute torment. The memes floating around about how gamers have been prepared for such things are funny because of just how painfully true they are. No matter what side you fall on, it’s safe to say that the need for entertainment has proven to be important now more than ever. Entertainment means different things for everyone, but the ever-attentive market has responded in kind with various answers. Here are my best games for this pandemic, especially if you’re in quarantine or isolation.